Snapchat’s camera glasses | Racist frog | iPhone 7 hidden audio jack? – Ep42


  • Snapchat has announced their new camera glasses that will allow you to capture and upload images straight to Snapchat.
  • Martin Shkreli, the world’s most hated drug pharmaceutical executive, has opened an auction for the highest bidder to punch him in the face.
  • A new troll video that shows someone drilling into their new iPhone 7 to reveal a “hidden audio jack” has actually found a few gullible (and angry) victims.
  • A man has decided to wear all of the trash he uses over a 30 day limit as his only clothing.
  • Pepe the Frog, a meme of a sad looking frog, has been classified by the ADL as racist imagery.
  • QoW: “What is your superhero name?”

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